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Latest Use Cases

What you can do with your EdgeCaster and LiveEdge® is nearly limitless. We always like sharing cool new ways you can take advantage of your EdgeCaster to make your live video more intelligent, flexible, and efficient.

Newest Live Video Trends

Live video is always evolving and fast. Stay up to date on the newest trends, best practices, and more.

Invites to Private Events

We love hosting in-person and virtual events with industry leaders. Get first hand access to thought leaders and engage with them in a more intimate setting than you would at a trade show.

Ready for intelligent, flexible, and efficient live streams.

Live video workflows are transforming to live streaming at warp speed–whether it’s a new video protocol, standard, technology or architecture–the ability to adapt quickly is paramount. Leading the charge are use cases that require quality, security and ultra-low-latency, such as live events, sports and betting.

Let us show you how

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